Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sometimes you forget and then Toni wallops you upside the head and reminds you

Read this if you have ANY interest in writing. Keep it fun, Toni says and her father said. That's the thing I've been lamenting the most the past few years, the thing I've been recovering in little precious patches - WRITING IS FUN. It used to be (and can be again!) the thing I love to do best in the world. I'd rather be writing than anything else, yes, yes I would. Every moment I get to write, I'm lucky. Thanks for reminding me of that, Toni.

For those of you wondering what happened to Fess Up Friday (FUF) and PerNoWriMo, New York and just me before NY descimated it, but I'm getting back on track. Since my last FUF, this is what I've written:

Wednesday the 13th: 1,115 words on the plane
Friday the 22nd: 1,024

But it's been so worth it. I may not make 50,000 words this month, but I'm glad I'm doing PerNoWriMo because I'll be thousands of words and entire scenes further along than I was. The urgency was everything. And the intangible things, forget word counts, are coming together better than I could've hoped. I know, this year I've known and I continue to know, that I'm finally going to the right place with this book. Despite the occasional despair, I'm on the right road and pointed in the right direction.

Stop reading this now and go read Toni's Muderati blog.

[8.25: There are some cool videos up about Toni on the Romantic Times website. Go here.]

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