Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Liberty House needs help

So tonight on the news, right after finding out it's going to get even colder tomorrow, I see a piece about a place called Liberty House. This is a place that offers transitional housing, meals and training to women and their children. Liberty House is currently serving 16 women and 24 children and employs 10 people. And it may have to close due to the dire need for funds.

I'm struggling, as we all are right now, but I'm sending them money tomorrow and I urge you all to do the same. Whatever you can do. And if you can't send money, please tell somebody about their need. This is one of the purest functions any form of media can serve - spreading the news of community need. If I'm ever in the position that any of these women are in, I'd like to believe there are places like Liberty House to turn to. Places like Connections for Life, which I volunteered for in Baton Rouge while I was a student. Most of these women have no other resources to protect and house their families, to completely rebuild their lives. Places like Liberty House and Connections for Life can be all the difference.

The thing that moved me most - and this is odd considering the images of the children staying there, the very touching accounts by some of the women - was that the employees are still working despite not being paid since last month. Can you imagine? In this jaded day and age, in this economic climate.

Every little bit counts.

The mailing address: P.O. Box 15856 New Orleans, LA 70175
The physical address: 2020 S. Liberty Street New Orleans, LA 70113

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