Thursday, July 3, 2008

You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

I never thought I'd be quoting Burger King commercials, but there you go. "You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk." Funniest ever. I giggle a lot over the Sonic commercials, too, especially the only in which the dude says, "You drive me..." and "Molly" says, "To the movies!" Much to my roommate's dismay.

So something I did not discuss on the 1st that's been on my mind. July 1st, 2008 marked a decade that I've been in Louisiana and I'm coming up on a year in New Orleans. Anniversaries and such really matter to me and for a long while I was trying to contemplate a fitting celebration. Being un(self)employed has drained my finances and energies for a big celebration, but then I realized that *every day* here is a celebration for me. Sorry to be corny, but it's true. Every little thing about living in New Orleans reminds me that, for perhaps the first time in my entire life, I'm home in a place not because of who else lived there but because of the place itself.

Also, the 1st is a very good friend's birthday and I forgot to send her felicitations. Will go do so immediately.

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