Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A catch up

If you follow me elsewhere (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, or even [gasp] real life), you might've heard my plea recently for you to enforce a May 1st deadline for my book. Like the heroes that you are, you responded with threats, promises, treats, condolences, coffee and chocolate.

I never intended to be done May 1st. Instead, I was practicing with a deadline. The first draft of the book got finished when I cut off almost all human contact, locked myself in my house for 10 days subsisting almost entirely on Rockstar Energy Drink (I'm plugging it in the hopes that they'll send me a free supply for my new deadline) and vegetables suggested by Steph. I had to finish that book, there was simply no other option. A lot of crap resulted, but a lot of sleep-deprived genius also happened. Okay, some sleep-deprived genius, a respectable percentage when you consider the vast amounts of crap.

I'm a lot closer to finishing this book than I allow myself to believe on a day-to-day basis and around the new year, I set myself a deadline of June 1st. So this is my for realz deadline and I hope you won't feel punk'd, I really did need your help for the dress rehearsal. And I continue to need your threats, promises, treats, condolences, coffee and chocolate. Not to mention Rock Star and veggies.

In return, I pledge to:

-spend less time playing with music
-watch less t.v.
-refuse most of your offers of recreational activities
-take on the least amount of freelance work I can
-ignore this blog and all of you as much as possible.

But only for one month.

With any luck, there will be only one blog post for all of May and it will happen somewhere around the 30th and will say something along the lines of: We won! The book's done!

And then I will sleep and spend time returning your calls and begin the process of sending the book to its new interim caretaker.

So, for perhaps the last time for a little while, here's some stuff I've noticed recently:

Seth Grahame-Smith is inventive, crazy cool and now rich.

I've been saying for years that we needed this.

Stephenie Meyer rocks - sold 16% of all books last quarter and reminded us all what a writer with a fan base is capable of. In case we forget, I'm sure there'll be another reminder from her soon. Perhaps a spin off featuring J. and R. (aka N.)???

Just to prove I read other things besides MediaBistro, passenger lands plane.

This is a bad idea, but makes a great point about the length of AI.

Wonder if you can get carpal tunnel of the thumbs from texting. Or heart attacks from the bills.

Angelina will star in movie(s) based on Patricia Cornwell's series.

Ron Howard defends Angels&Demons. Hasn't the Church figured out they're the only reason anybody cares about this movie at this point? Audrey Tautou gone? Me too. Though at least it looks like the mullet's also gone.

I have two desks, too. Have for years. It's a good idea. If you count Cheers, I have more like three.

Note to self: Don't marry another writer. Or at least make sure you can communicate very, very well before you do.

The Soloist. I dug the long music/color sequence. Admired the chutzpah of Joe Wright. Had other issues, but not that particular one.

'Bout to be kicked outta Cheers, gotta run. Cheers.


Lauren Jordan said...

Hey, Emilie!

It's Lauren Jordan here. :-) Glad to hear you're writing a book. I can't wait! I've always found your writing inspiring. Hope all is well with you in New Orleans. Next time you're in Atlanta, let me know so we can catch up. Take care!

Emilie said...

Gosh Lauren, I haven't talked to you in forever! How are you? Thanks for the inspiring comment, that's music to my ears. ;) I will definitely let you know when I'm in Atlanta next. Drop me an email with your number and let me know how you're doing, when you get a chance.
