Monday, May 26, 2008

Maybe I was a better writer when I was 10

Here's the proof of what I say:
When I was 10, what I'd rather do than write = nothing.
Now that I'm not 10 anymore, what I'd rather do than write = anything, it seems.

Downloading music, talking to strangers in a coffeeshop, blogging, linking to just about any site on the right, reading other people's books which are "safe," cleaning my toilet (yeah, really).

Why I am currently procrastinating: I'm writing the LONGEST scene ever in my book, knowing that half or all of it will probably go but it must be written. I'm almost done, which means the scene is at its hardest. In a way, beyond its disposibility, it's one of the most important scenes. It's where a new character sees the circus performance for the first time. It's probably the only time in my book (about the circus) where a full show will be depicted. And thank goodness.

I have been writing TCB (The Current Book) since 2004 when it began as a short story in David Madden's classroom. There is an entire draft that is done (aka: Thesis) and I am rewriting the entire thing virtually from scratch. Almost everything from that first short story is gone, has been gone. It's the craziest, bravest, most necessary thing I've ever done. I have about 70 pages of the new draft and I'm so unbelievably happy with the direction this version is going except that it's coming along very slowly.

So I've been in this coffeeshop (aka "Cheers") for going on 6 hours and I haven't written word one on this tough scene. This is one for Fess Up Friday, even if it's not Friday yet. I'm logging out of this new delicious blog and I'm shutting down the Internet and I'm going to write. Dammit.


Mary said...

It's not surprising that your favorite thing in the whole world to do was write, at ten. There are many possibilities which we do not fully understand at that age. That being said, however, I still think I prefer writing best of all. But that still doesn't stop me from playing the hell out of Scrabulous while my unconscious is working something out.

Aimee said...

I was excited about your blog at first, but now I see it is a new way for you to procrastinate. By leaving a comment, I know that I'm supporting this procrastination. So be it. I do think, as your friend Mary said, we often procrastinate when we most need to. While writing papers, or studying, I usually have to stop and do something "wasteful" so I have time to let my brain do it's thing. Not that I think of it that way at the time. Often, however, when I do return to the task at hand the results are incredible.

;) Good luck, little lady.

Emilie said...

Well said, Aimee. :) Thanks for aiding the procrastination cause.