Monday, May 26, 2008

Step into my office

At the coffeeshop that a friend dubbed "Cheers without the alcohol," with the best seat in the house. In a little while (who knows exactly when), this will be my office. So I'm at *the* table (yes Jamey, yours) and there are only two problems with this table - the gnats/flies and the fact that everyone covets this table, so they're watching you, ready for you to leave. Hey, I do it too. Not to Jamey (I never want her to leave, even if she has *the* table), but to everybody else.

I think I've met most of my New Orleans friends in this coffeeshop. Those I didn't meet by advertising for a roommate (honestly, I've met at least one very good friend this way).

Some observations from sitting here for hours not writing (just yet):

-A newborn baby, small and wrinkly. How can they look both beautiful and like amorphous little aliens at the same time?

-A girl laughing so helplessly while I was waiting in line for my latest drink. How do I describe this? It was slightly annoying for a second, high pitched and invasive. And then, I saw her face and she was so genuinely happy about something, laughing helplessly (it's the best word, really) and the laugh was whispy because she could barely breathe. I just bet everybody in the shop wanted to know what she was laughing at. But I think that would kinda ruin it.

-I'm deleting this song I'm listening to because it's annoying. Something you'll learn about me is that I'm absolutely crazy about music. I listen to everything, absolutely everything. You'd think my iTunes playlist was for an entire extended family and not just one person. A family that can barely stand to talk to each other, but then has touching moments of reconciliation. I download almost indiscriminately and then listen, listen, listen and delete when I realize I don't so much like this or that. I often think it would be my dream job to pick music for movies. Except I have no training. Just what I like and what I don't. But every book I've ever written, I've created a soundtrack for.

Some songs from The Current Book's soundtrack:
Yael Naim's cover of Toxic
Change is Hard She and Him
Arms of a Woman Amos Lee
Safe and Sound Azure Ray
Missed Me The Dresden Dolls
Is That All There Is Peggy Lee
Night of the Dancing Flame Roisin Murphy
Secret The Pierces
Where Did You Sleep Last Night Nirvana (My Girl)
Carnival Town Norah Jones
pretty much every song from Devotcka and Circus Contraption

You'll also learn about me that I'm a huge t.v. fanatic. I'm currently looking forward to So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) tonight.

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