Sunday, June 1, 2008


Spent some time at Cheers this morning trying to sort out my life a bit. Then, had to leave to eat lunch and run an errand and came back to try to get some serious writing done (aka finally finish that scene I told you I was trying to finish a while ago).

I hate and love that first half minute after walking into Cheers. It takes that long to scan the place and figure out if anyone I know is there and where the available tables are. It's kinda like that first day in a new school when you're trying to figure out where to sit in the cafeteria, searching for friendly faces. And then, I settled my stuff and went to the counter to order. My barista asked, "First drink of the day?" (he wasn't there this morning) and I answered, "No, second," so he totally cut me a deal on my drink. I'm *finally* a regular at Cheers. I already was as far as most people are concerned, but *finally* the baristas recognize me.

Okay, no more delay. Writing. Yes, promise.

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