Wednesday, June 25, 2008

From Cheers with love

So it's been a while, my digital friends. Where have I been, what have I been doing?

Firstly, I should say that before I left Nola to go to Atlanta, I was lucky enough to catch a free New Orleans Bingo! Show at Tipitina's. Whewwwweeee! This was *just* what I needed, doncha know? Despite the fact that it was P-A-C-K-E-D and I'm extremely claustrophobic (does claustrophobic mean dislikes strange drunk people touching her?), it was an amazing show. Loud and chaotic, filled with personality and phenomenal music. So many, many people have been telling me that I have to see the New Orleans Bingo! Show over the past few years, but it hadn't happened yet. I'm glad this was my first show, their first show at Tips, it turns out. Who cares if I was set to leave for Atlanta SUPER early in the morning -- I was out swaying and sweating with hundreds of folks to their delicious tunes.

The trip to Atlanta started a few hours later than I'd planned and except for a tiny bit 'o rain (aka buckets and buckets, but only for about 2 minutes at a time) was uneventful. Here's the rub - the job I'd been hoping for in Atl was not to be, though I hung out for a week to see if the tides would turn. Got to spend some time with my parents and work on the novel (or attempt to work on the novel, Butt In Chair, as they say). At the end of the week, the owner of my Atl Cheers knew me by name and was sad to see me go. I did not make it out to the Claremont Lounge ("Where whores go to die") as recommended by somebody or other, but it was still a good trip.

And let me tell you, while I was happy to be with my parents and in a new environment, I was so homesick for Nola that my whole body hurt! It was a relief to get back, physically and emotionally. It would've been different if I'd been busy working, I think, rather than ruminating, but everything happens for a reason.

Spent a bunch of time with somebody or other upon my return, sent out resumes to more film jobs and even managed a quick jaunt to BR and dinner with bestest buddy while I was there.

And you know what I did this Friday night past? I went out and extra'd for Mardi Gras, dressed up for a "Maxim party" that felt rather more like a lock-in and met a few fun folks there, most in the same boat.

Got to catch up with my buddy Clarence on Saturday - go check out his link because dude's got some fabulous books out.

Good news is that I'm doing a bit of freelance, which makes me happy and doing alright on TCB. Also, the new roommie is fantastic thus far. He held the fort while I was gone and nothing seems too badly singed. Bad news...I'm determined that there is none. Everything has a silver lining!

So some stuff I've been thinking about.

Katherine Heigl withdrawing her name from Emmy consideration. Whoa. Personally, I am a HUGE Katherine Heigl fan and have been before probably anybody else (yes, even you folks who think you "discovered" her on Roswell), since I saw My Father the Hero waaaaay back when. Anybody who's watched her career knows that she's got moxie (for good or for better) and she doesn't follow the tart of Hollywood playbook. She's pulling ballsy moves more akin to male counterparts, making her moves publicly and loudly. But because she's a woman, she gets called ungrateful and a bitch. She's walking a fine line, the razor's edge. I think she'll be a winner in the end. I think now that she's done a few smarter-than-your-average-still-box -office-gold rom-coms, she's going to be getting better and better scripts and she'll be choosing smarter and stronger roles (though, love her or hate her, most of her character selections have been *smart*). The article I linked to was just a random selection, but I love that a Grey's "insider" decried her for her lack of loyalty to the same writers who made her a household name, the writers who accommodated her movie schedule, etc. Let's look at this for a sec. Yeah, the role made her a household name, but part of that package is her own acting. And even before the Emmy nominations became public, folks were speculating whether the Grey's writers were sabotaging her because they had to accommodate her movie roles by giving her stupid plotlines through the season till the end. AND let's not forget that Heigl's popularity due to Grey's and her movie roles reflects back on Grey's in a good light and keeps viewers loyal (I don't watch the show, I should confess). I'm a writer, so I understand that writers are so essential but generally poorly respected in Hollywood. But I think Heigl should be given some props for speaking her mind. Love her or hate her, this is no blonde bimbo touting the company line. I suspect that she's in danger of alienating some of the folks that have helped her with her best roles, but that her private relationships with these folks will likely win out. There's still ONE role I'm dying to see her play. I'll let you know if it happens, but no more on that for now.

This is from a while ago, but it's still interesting. Haven't heard much about the memoir, but hurrah for writers surviving over horrible people in their pasts!

And I continue to be fascinated by Emily Gould's (mis)adventures and Gawker's intriguing obsession with her. From GalleyCat, some speculation about a manuscript that's doing the rounds and the potential fears of some editors/publishers in taking her on.

In the meantime, thank goodness for my neighborhood and my excellent neighbors. Also, my friends and mentors. What would I do without you people?

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